Ribcap Helmet Hats Increase Freedom & Independence

Customer Expresses the Freedom They Feel, Thanks to Ribcap!Ribcap has eagerly spent the past ten years providing soft protective headgear that is non-stigmatizing, light and...

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How Ribcap Helped This Little Boy With Doose Syndrome

A Story of a Wonderful 3yr Old With Doose Syndrome SeizuresMeet Nicholas, a 3 year old boy who was rushed into an ambulance from his...

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How to Choose Your Protective Helmet in 2020

Choosing The Right Ribcap For YouA doctor or another health care professional may have advised you to buy a protective helmet due to you or...

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Ribcap Protective Helmets For Dravet Seizures

Complete Safety Assured With Ribcap's Protective HelmetsDravet Syndrome Alliance is an association to support the parents of children who suffer with the condition. This severe...

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Ribcap Protective Helmets for Muscular Dystrophy

How Carmela Felt After Receiving Her First RibcapMeet Carmela, a very happy, bright and funny little girl with a zest for life. A life that...

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Robin Shares Her Thoughts About Wearing Ribcap's Protective Helmets

Ribcap are Delighted to Have Helped Robin Stay Safe AND to Look Super Cool!Here's Robin's story about her experience wearing her very first Ribcap"My name...

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