An Extensive Guide to Medical Helmets in 2020

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An Extensive Guide to Medical Helmets in 2020

Explore our comprehensive guide to medical helmets in 2020. Learn about the latest advancements, key features and benefits of medical helmets that enhance safety and comfort, helping you make informed choices for effective protection.

What is a Medical Helmet and How Can it Protect You?


It can be a little daunting when a health care professional suggests a medical helmet for you or a family member due to seizures or a condition which may cause a brain injury.

Questions such as ‘are they all the same?’ or ‘how do I choose the right one?’ are frequently asked and confusion can arise when learning about different types of uses for each helmet.

So, to help you to determine which type is suitable to fit all of the person’s needs, here is a breakdown of general uses from wearability, styles, comfort, and durability of helmets that are on the current market.

Ribcap soft beanie helmet hat

Helmet Overview


As a whole, helmets reduce the risk of injury for sports athletes, patients with health conditions, and for those with poor balance such as the elderly.

Did you know: 64 million head injuries are reported every year globally?

A significant amount of people are having to deal with around the clock care to prevent injuries from a fall which is not only emotionally draining for the person with the condition but also the parents or carer on duty.

Why Wear a Medical Helmet?

The purpose of a helmet is to absorb the shock when a fall occurs, reducing facial and/or brain injuries, and aiding daily living for those who are at risk of a sudden fall without warning. A helmet enables the user to live a better quality of life by minimizing fears of falling. Not only does it protect the user but it can also reduce worries from family members who may be concerned for their loved one health when they aren't around.

When is a Helmet Needed?

A protective helmet may be needed in many circumstances.

Seizure behaviors are different from person to person, so it is best to consider the regularity of a person's falls to determine how often a helmet is needed. For optimal safety, a helmet should be worn daily. It is best to consider that one unexpected fall could cause fatal injuries, therefore a helmet worn daily reduces unnecessary risks.

An elderly person or someone with poor balance may benefit from a protective helmet. They can be used to serve as protection during the icy months or long days out, to reduce any chances of injury.

Medical conditions that induce muscle wasting, reduce muscle tone or muscular dystrophy related conditions increase the chances of a person falling resulting in the person needing a protective helmet daily.

What to Consider When Choosing a Medical Helmet?


The size

Helmets come in different sizes to ensure comfort and security for the user. Before purchasing a helmet, it is best to compare the sizing options to ensure a comfortable fit. Many helmets are labeled as either adult, child or toddler sizes and in some cases they can be made to fit.

Amount of Protection

Many helmets protect from all angles whereas some are designed to protect key areas. To learn how much protection is needed, a person can monitor fall patterns such as, is the person falling forward or backward? Dropping from a great height? Or is the same are being hit which can seen when a person completes the 'headbanging' action.

This can determine the amount of face/side protection that is required. Another tip would be to check the companies key safety tests to ensure that your chosen helmet can handle a big fall, especially for tall or larger adults that are falling from a height.


Medical helmets not only serve the purpose of protection but also require a high level of comfort as the user will be wearing it daily. When choosing your helmet, check for breathable materials such as soft foam to aid with air circulation or search the reviews of customers to see if they recommend the product for both safety and comfort.


Something else to consider is the durability of your medical helmet. Can the material be washed? Is it easy to wash? Will it lose its shape should it be washed? Remember to check for the life expectancy of the helmet although this will also be determined on how often a person requires it to be worn.


When will you wear it? Does it look good? Does it need to look fashionable? Once you have chosen the right helmet for protection and comfort, you can then start to think about its style. In the modern world, medical helmets don’t need to be stigmatizing. Instead, you can choose a fashionable style with many of the best designs being mistaken for regular trendy hats. This can provide personal comfort to a person who doesn’t want to wear a protective helmet that potentially could be bulky and cause unwanted attention, when out and about on the streets.

Highly Fashionable Helmet Hats by Ribcap


Ribcap offers premium-quality, fashionable helmets that are BSI tested and trusted by neuro-scientists from around the world. We developed a unique, patent-pending foam padding that is not only comfortable, but suitable for all-day use. Our fashionable helmets are non-stigmatizing and look just like regular hats or caps. They are easy to clean and are durable enough to last for years. Our sizes ensure a perfect fit for all shapes and sizes!

Ribcap For Children

Children who continually need constant supervision from a parent or guardian are not able to play or have fun freely, taking away some of the joys of childhood. Not being able to run around, to play with friends or to take part in certain activities can reduce a child's confidence and the way they react with the world. Ribcap's passion is to put these children first, to provide them with protection and fashion, allowing them to play and behave as all children should.

Ribcap For Young Adults

For young adults, the world is at their feet and a medical condition shouldn't get in the way of their dreams. Ribcap's power to protect from head injuries allows them to put more thought into what they want to do and our on-trend designs encourage freedom of personal style so the young adults of today can grow confidently and as uniquely as they should.

Ribcap For Adults

For those suffering from a condition and have very little support, we understand the worries of even the most regular of routines such as a trip to the supermarket. With our stylish designs, we can help you to reduce your fears with Ribcap's complete protection against head injuries.

Discover our protective helmets.

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Written by Leanne Coop